Seal Coating and Crack Filling

Seal Coating and Crack Filling


Our Sealmaster® Coal Tar Pavement Sealer is among the finest products in the industry. Combined with durability enhancing additives, such as, latex and silica sand, it can give new & maintained asphalt surfaces the needed protection against the harsh conditions nature deals out.

Seal coating can also help return the original luster to any asphalt surface by restoring that deep black finish that is lost over time due to the damaging effects of gas, oil, salt, and oxidation.

In addition to seal coating, Rutter & Dudley believes crack filling is arguably one of the most important processes in maintaining an asphalt surface. This is the best option for protecting against the expansive and damaging effects of freezing/thawing on your asphalt surface.

We utilize a commercial grade, rubberized crack filler from Sealmaster®. This is applied to your surface’s larger, long lineal cracks, for a deep, flexible protection against moisture penetration to subgrade.

  • Surface cleaning and edging
  • Commercial grade rubberized crack filling
  • Protective Seal Coating – 1 and 2 coat applications
  • Line striping (where required) – new design layouts and duplications are available

Contact Rutter & Dudley today

Our friendly and professional staff is here to answer any questions you may have about our company or our services. Whatever your asphalt construction /maintenance needs, we can provide it to you at a reasonable price.

Contact Rutter & Dudley today by calling 419-352-4456 or emailing to schedule your asphalt services.

Contact Us


1. How does seal coating protect and extend the life of your asphalt drive/parking lot? 

Our SEAL MASTER Coal Tar sealer is the finest in the industry. The sealing process protects asphalt against the damaging effects of gas, oil, salt, oxidation, and restores the natural beauty of the driveway. We mix our Coal Tar sealer with latex additives and silica sand to provide a durable and deep black finish. Seal coating of asphalt driveways is necessary to extend the lifespan of your drive and should be part of the maintenance of your investment.

2. When should I first seal coat my driveway/parking lot and how often after that?

New asphalt driveways should be allowed to cure for 2 years following initial installation. During this time the driveway will go from a jet black color, to a gray color. This is due to the oxidation of the driveway and the tar wearing off the stone. Once the majority of your driveway turns gray, you should apply your first seal coating. Following your first seal coat we recommend this maintenance be done every 3 years, on average, or after the majority of the surface turns gray again.

3. Why is crack filling important to the lifespan of your driveway/parking lot?

In our opinion crack filling is one of the most important steps in maintaining your driveway/parking lot surface. The importance of sealing the long lineal cracks in your surface is due to the freezing/thawing that can occur during the winter months. This freezing/thawing can be a major contributor to reducing the lifespan of your driveway. We use SEAL MASTER CRACK MASTER SUPREME Crack Filler. This is a rubber product that is melted to 400° and applied to the cracks with an applicator. This material will reach the deepest point and seal the cracks. The crack filler is also a pliable material, so that it can move with the surface.

4. Should you squeegee or spray the seal coat on the driveway/parking lot?

The texture of your surface will dictate which application is best. Driveways that have been sealed for a number of years and have a smooth finish will be best suited for a spray application. Spraying will allow more material to be applied to the surface. Using a squeegee on a smooth drive will leave streaks and will also be “scalped” by the smoothness of the drive. This means less material will be left behind than would be preferable. New asphalt is porous and is a good candidate for squeegee applications. This procedure will allow material to be worked into the pores of the pavement.
Our experienced crew is proficient in both applications and either application can be requested by the customer.

5. How many coats of seal are recommended?

For residential drives, 1 coat of seal is recommended. For parking lots and high traffic areas, 2 coats of seal are recommended. These guidelines will offer the correct protection to extend the lifespan of your investment.

6. Why choose Rutter and Dudley?

Rutter and Dudley Asphalt has been a proven contractor for over 50 years in Northwest Ohio. We ensure the highest quality materials and experienced crews to meet the needs of our customers. We feel that customer service and offering a valuable product is what has built this company. We offer a full line of asphalt maintenance services and are confident you will be satisfied for choosing us.